Affirmation Mixtape for Self-Love + Healthy Self-Talk

Affirmations are a powerful to help you reshape what you think and feel about yourself. The truth is, what you think you become and what you think you manifest! There really is no way around this.

If you want to find healing or even create a life you love, you MUST control the narrative your sharing with your self each moment of every day. I created this audio affirmation mixtape to help you along your self-love and healing journey.  In it you will find 4 tracks:

  • the intro
  • affirmations for self-love and healthy self-talk part one
  • affirmations for self-love and healthy self-talk part two
  • the outro (including instructions on HOW to use affirmations for healing toxic self-talk)

In case you're wondering here's some of what of has been said about myself and the tape:

  • "Precious this is SO powerful.  I started using it but I am really working on helping my family heal and so I have purchased it for them so they can use it as well."
  • "These affirmations are spot on! What are you the affirmation generator? LOL"
  • "This is SO powerful and needed! I literally balled my eyes out listening to this tape.  There were affirmations that resonated with me that I didn't even know I needed. Many lives will be changed through this tape."

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